Sunday, April 5, 2009

Traitors against Wisdom and Knowledge

From The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth;

"The story of the Illuminati is one of the darker episodes in the secret history and it has blackened the reputation of secret societies ever since.
In 1776 a Bavarian professor of law, Adam Weishaupt, founded an organization called the Illuminati, recruiting the first brothers from among his students.
Like the Jesuits, the Illuminati brotherhood was run on military lines. Members were requested to surrender individual judgement and will. Like earlier secret societies Weishaupt's Illuminati promised to reveal an ancient wisdom. Higher and more powerful secrets were promised to reveal an ancient wisdom. Higher and more powerful secrets were promised to those who progressed up the ladder of initiations. Initiates worked in small cells. Knowledge was shared between cells on what modern security services call a 'need to know' basis - so dangerous was this newly rediscovered knowledge.
Weishaupt joined the Freemasons in 1777, and soon many of the Illuminati followed, infiltrating the lodges. They quickly rose to positions of seniority.
Then in 1785 it came about that a man called Jacob Lanz, travelling to Silesia, was struck by lightning. When he was laid out in a nearby chapel, the Bavarian authorities found papers on the body revealing the secret plans of the Illuminati. From these papers, including many in Weishaupt's own hand, and together with others seized in raids around the country, a complete picture was built up.
The seized writings revealed that the ancient secret wisdom and the secret supernatural powers promulgated within the Illuminati had always been a cynical invention and a fraud. An aspirant progressed through the grades only to discover that the spiritual element in the teachings were merely a smokescreen. Spirituality was derided, spat upon. Jesus Christ's teachings, it was said, were really purely political in content, calling for the abolition of all property, of the institution of marriage and family ties, all religion. The aim of Weishaupt and his co-conspirators was to set up a society run on purely materialistic grounds, a revolutionary new society - and the place where the would test their theories, they had decided, would be France.
Finally it was whispered in the candidate's ear that the ultimate secret was that there was no secret.
In this was he was inducted into a nihilistic and anarchistic philosophy that appealed to the candidate's worst instincts. Weishaupt gleefully anticipated tearing down, destroying civilization, not to set people free, but for the pleasure of imposing his will upon others."

"...Spirituality was derided, spat upon. Jesus Christ's teachings, it was said, were really purely political in content, calling for the abolition of all property, of the institution of marriage and family ties, all religion. The aim of Weishaupt and his co-conspirators was to set up a society run on purely materialistic grounds, a revolutionary new society..."
What country does this remind you of?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Magico-Magnetic Healing:

"Just as the ordinary magnet attracts iron, so man is a magnet and draws other men to him. Hidden magnetic forces lie concealed in all things, in plants, medicinal herbs, the bodies of animals and the bodies of human beings. We ought always to remember, therefore, his (i.e. God's) unfathomable wisdom, in giving us in ourselves as many powers as heaven and earth possess. From true self-consciousness there springs a spiritual force which can be transferred from the doctor to the sick person, provided the physician possesses it. In this way, the doctor's presence does more good to the patient by itself than any medicine. For the etheric vibrations impinge on the human ether and can so change the inharmonic human vibrations into harmonic ones."

Paracelsus- Medieval philosopher, botanist, astrologer, alchemist and Rosicrucian.

Friday, October 17, 2008

"The Black Brotherhood"

Aramal Malik, who was a former student of the Order of the Rosy Cross (the Rosicrucians), has an antique copy of a book written by the order itself, The Rosicrucians-Their Teachings. One of the main principals of Inversehalo (principal 2), is taken directly from the Rosy Cross, and from time to time Mr. Malik asserts philosophy from their books. Unlike some other Orders or Societies, the R.C., were true humanitarians for the benefit of humanity.

Within their book they make mention a malicious and opposing Order to humanity.....

"We have to acknowledge with regret that upon this criteria to many of the occult organizations of our times we come to the conclusion that, though the theoretical teachings of such societies usually contain many valuable truths, their practical methods often fall short of the foregoing principals. The practice of such wrong methods sometimes does considerable harm to the spiritual and moral development of those who adopt them, unbalancing their minds and even in some extreme instances causing insanity. In all realms of knowledge there are men who not only profess to know a great deal but are in reality dishonest charlatans. Unfortunately such dishonest characters are met also among those who claim to be Masters, Adepts and Yogis, and to possess a high wisdom and various wonderful powers and faculties. Such false teachers are the tools of powers of darkness endeavoring to interfere with the spiritual progress of humanity and to entice the unwary on dangerous paths leading ultimately to the destruction of the Soul. They can, however, always be detected because their appeal is to the selfish nature of man, and this is the reason why their followers are legion.

In the realm of the Occult and Mystic the inverted triangle is the House or Signature of Illegitimacy and the Black Brotherhood."

from the Rosicrucians and their Teachings,
pages 223-224

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why Pro-Choice is Pagan Gnosticism...

The Inversehalo article entitled "Witchcraft and Abortion", explains the origins and practice of killing fetus' for magical or sacrificial purposes. We believe, as many other theorists do, that members of the New World Order, are practitioners of Gnosticism. Their practices, in the past, have always condoned, the ideals behind the worship of Baal, human sacrifice, Luciferian rites, and black Magic.

If it is true that many individuals in the N.W.O. are gnostic, this would explain our modern political/religious debate on the views on abortion...

"Followers of the Gnostic sect led by Carpocrates were granted even more license and encouragement. Carpocratians believed that the purity of the soul could not be contaminated and made evil, any more than a pearl could be debased by dropping it in the mud; at its center, the pearl would always remain a pearl. Based on this libertine view, the soul ought to experience everything available to it in this world. Carpocratians shared their sexual partners and took part in massive orgies, although males were instructed to practice coitus interruptus not as a method of birth control but as a means of collecting semen to be consumed as the body of Christ, as was menstrual blood. Recruitment methods of the Carpocratians were basic and no doubt successful in attracting male followers. The most beautiful female members were encouraged to offer themselves as bait to draw adherents, and a related group formed a male elite called Levites who practiced open homosexuality."
"Should a woman become pregnant as a result of these activities, the fetus would be aborted, pounded to jelly in a mortar, mixed with honey and spices, and eaten by sect members, a practice chillingly reminiscent of the most lurid fables associated with early Christians."

-Secret Societies, by John Lawrence Reynolds. pg. 113

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Inversehalo's "Freemasons or Slavemasons"

The contributions made by the infamous order of Freemasonry, have helped perpetuate the globalization of the entire world. In every aspect of its essence the Freemasons have led mankind deeper into the downward spiral of totalitarian control.

Aramal Malik and Erich Weisz have put together a small essay to show the reader the reality of guilt that lays with the organization known as FREEMASONRY...

"... The labor of ascending levels in this fraternity give example to the presence of its oldest sin... GREED. In order for anyone to become an initiate or for any member to ascend to be a "Master Mason", it requires that the applicant or pupil pay monetary fees to the organization itself. Only after paying these fees will instruction continue to further the adepts progress. As some strange coincidence does it make sense that a Mason furthers his education by paying, Freemasonry, with money that bears its own Masonic symbols upon it.

Freemasonry shows in itself the belief that the education to becoming a better man, is better bought with money than given the right of equal opportunity...."

to read more on this essay click here

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A view of our world and who's running the show...

To give a better outlook on the condition of our world today, I'd like to share with you some lyrics from the band KMFDM:

from the song Stars & Stripes,

"...A Tyrant is a man who allows his people no freedom
who is puffed-up by pride
driven by the lust of power
impelled by greed
provoked by thirst for fame

divided and conquered
gripped by fear
wishful thinking that it can't happen here
it's well underways but nobody knows
a repeat of history
that's how it goes

tell the people that they're under attack
by man-eating foes from Mars or Iraq
mobilize outrage
muzzle dissent
send in the troops
strike the pre-empt

control the airwaves
fuel the reaction
use every weapon of mass-distraction
turn active people into passive consumers
feed 'em bogus polls and harebrained rumours

cut back civil rights
make no mistake
tell them Homeland Security is now at stake
whip up a frenzy keep them suspended
don't let them know that their Liberty's ended

Everything goes in the desperate states
the veneer of democracy rapidly fades
wreak total havoc on all opposition
in any event fulfill your mission

Totalitarian media sensation
you will give them domination
never mind they call you a liar and thief
by now you are the undisputed commander-in-chief...."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Francis Bacon or American Idealism?

" 1.Man, as the minister and interpreter of nature, does and understands as much as his observations on the order of nature, either with regard to things or the mind, permit hum, and neither knows nor is capable of more.
2.The unassisted hand and the understanding left to itself possess but little power. Effects are produced by the means of instruments and helps, which the understanding requires no less than the hand; and as instruments either promote or regulate the motion of the hand, so those that are applied to the mind prompt or protect the understanding.
3.Knowledge and human power are synonymous, since the ignorance of the cause frustrates the effect; for nature is only subdued by submission, and that which in contemplative philosophy corresponds with the cause in practical science becomes the rule.
4.Man whilst operating can only apply or withdraw natural bodies; nature internally performs the rest.
5.Those who become practically versed in nature are, the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist, and the magician, but all (as matters now stand) with faint efforts and meager success."

-Francis Bacon, NOVUM ORGANUM,
Aphorisms Concerning the Interpretation of Nature and the Kingdom of Man, First Book