" 1.Man, as the minister and interpreter of nature, does and understands as much as his observations on the order of nature, either with regard to things or the mind, permit hum, and neither knows nor is capable of more.
2.The unassisted hand and the understanding left to itself possess but little power. Effects are produced by the means of instruments and helps, which the understanding requires no less than the hand; and as instruments either promote or regulate the motion of the hand, so those that are applied to the mind prompt or protect the understanding.
3.Knowledge and human power are synonymous, since the ignorance of the cause frustrates the effect; for nature is only subdued by submission, and that which in contemplative philosophy corresponds with the cause in practical science becomes the rule.
4.Man whilst operating can only apply or withdraw natural bodies; nature internally performs the rest.
5.Those who become practically versed in nature are, the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist, and the magician, but all (as matters now stand) with faint efforts and meager success."
-Francis Bacon, NOVUM ORGANUM,
Aphorisms Concerning the Interpretation of Nature and the Kingdom of Man, First Book
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