Within their book they make mention a malicious and opposing Order to humanity.....
"We have to acknowledge with regret that upon this criteria to many of the occult organizations of our times we come to the conclusion that, though the theoretical teachings of such societies usually contain many valuable truths, their practical methods often fall short of the foregoing principals. The practice of such wrong methods sometimes does considerable harm to the spiritual and moral development of those who adopt them, unbalancing their minds and even in some extreme instances causing insanity. In all realms of knowledge there are men who not only profess to know a great deal but are in reality dishonest charlatans. Unfortunately such dishonest characters are met also among those who claim to be Masters, Adepts and Yogis, and to possess a high wisdom and various wonderful powers and faculties. Such false teachers are the tools of powers of darkness endeavoring to interfere with the spiritual progress of humanity and to entice the unwary on dangerous paths leading ultimately to the destruction of the Soul. They can, however, always be detected because their appeal is to the selfish nature of man, and this is the reason why their followers are legion.

from the Rosicrucians and their Teachings,
pages 223-224
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